In the Moment: Spencer Kirksey

Upbeat and enthusiastic, Spencer drew us in with the genuine excitement he shows in his Instagram stories. A simple chat showed us his passion and appreciation for the outdoors, and for people too. We’re honored to introduce you to this adventurer.

Meet Spencer Kirksey

Go-to outdoor activity:

Exploring the great outdoors.

Rainy day back-up plan:

You can find me in my garage gym!

Favorite snack:
Does bacon count?

Favorite piece of gear:
Compound bow.

Worst adventure advice you’ve heard:

“Don’t worry, we have plenty of water.”

Something you won’t do or are afraid of:
Anything to do with snakes…I’m out. Thanks bye.

What you never travel without:

Shades and a knife.

Always on your road trip playlist:

Black keys, Chris Stapleton, Alan Jackson, George Strait…do you see a pattern yet?

The Interview

What makes you love being outdoors? What are you into?

Oh man, I enjoy just about everything that involves the outdoors! Before I started my journey with bowhunting I would load up my pack and just go and it didn’t really matter where. The trees, the breeze, the listening and watching the local wildlife do their thing, just really being observant and enjoying what Mother Nature has to offer. That’s how I enjoy the great outdoors.

What inspires you?

Geez, so many things inspire me, mainly people that exhibit grit. We have so much power to influence and bring up others, and I think most lose sight of that. I tend to gravitate towards individuals that spend a lot of time in the outdoors because for the most part they see the life through a different lens. It has seen beginnings, ends, growth and destruction…the very definition of being alive. It’s those same people who can understand and acknowledge that life is tough and filled with too many ups and downs to count, but still a maintain positive mindset and are grateful for what they have been given no matter what hand they’ve been dealt in life.

When that inspiration hits you, what do you do about it?

When the inspiration hits and the creativity starts to flow, I grab my camera. I love snapping photos of people, animals, and objects that are more in the candid, unplanned, and organic in-the-moment type shots.

Tell us about a time when you tried something that resulted in a love for it.
When I first picked up a bow. I knew right then and there I was in trouble. Take hunting out of the equation, the art of archery in itself is something most people have a hard time describing. For me, it’s my form of mediation or even medicine, if you will. It teaches me discipline, patience, mental toughness, and it’s something I can practice every single day.
Add bow hunting back into the equation and you learn all about life, death, morals, ethics, and the role we as hunters have in the conservation of our planet. It all comes full circle and I’m proud to be a part of all that.

What is one of the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome? How did you get through it?
This is a tough one. I’d have to say the early departure my mother had from this life. She passed away unexpectedly in her sleep one night a few years back and to be clear there isn’t a thing in this world that can prepare you for that kind of hurt. In her wishes she wanted a green burial, so my father and I did just that near the border of Washington and Oregon in a natural preserve. I came to the conclusion that our bodies don’t belong to us; they belong to nature and in some weird way in that moment I knew I needed to get more in touch with the wild. So I guess indirectly I was able to get through that challenge by being more present while out in the wilderness and working on myself.

What’s next for you? Are you looking forward to something or working on a project?

Well, although it doesn’t directly correlate to the premise of this Q&A, I’m getting married to my far better half, Dana, in November…wahooo! But as it pertains to the outdoors, we’re in the beginning days of August which means I have just about a month left until deer season opens up. So a lot of my efforts and energy will be going towards that as well…sorry honey.
I’ve done a lot of research and put a lot miles on these boots in preparation of this season so I’m eager for opening day. I have a couple other exciting things lining up on the media front but I’m not quite ready to unveil those yet…sorry y’all.

What would you say to encourage the person who is ready to step out and try something new?
The moment you turn off that part of your brain that produces excuses and what if’s…that’s the moment you’ll truly be free to embrace those new experiences and adventures. We miss out on so many different opportunities and experiences because of the fear of failure. Once upon a time I was former college athlete – “all eyes on you; you gotta do good or else” – I get it. But in reality these expectations, fears, and excuses we are afraid of are all just made up.
If it’s something you truly want to pursue, check the ego at the door, go find someone who knows more than you, be a sponge, make mistakes, gain experience, respect the process and get after it. You’ll thank yourself after it’s all said and done!

How can people get in touch with you or follow your adventures?
Usually where pizza is sold, no jk. I’m very active on Instagram and can be found at @spencerkirkseyofficial but if social media isn’t your thing, you can email me at

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